Shawn Mendes “It’ll Be Okay” Single Review

Penning his first single since his untimely split from fellow songstress Camila Cabello, Shawn Mendes expresses his feelings with heart wrenching lyrics “If we can’t stop the bleeding we don’t have to stay I will love you either way.” Referencing Camila and always having love for her. He continues on to sing “The future we dreamed of is fading to black” This song release comes just two weeks after the amicable split. The couple dated for over two years before calling it quits. The song shares vulnerable feelings Mendes has been experiencing since ending his romance with his longtime love.

Though the song and its lyrics are somber Shawn provides a hint of optimism throughout the breakup tune, “I start to imagine a world where we don’t collide / And it’s making me sick but we’ll heal and the sun will rise.” It’ll Be Okay is a beautiful message for anyone who is or has experienced a recent heartbreak. Shawn was not afraid to admit his feelings to the world and Camila Cabello, obviously that he will always be in love with Camila and will always be her biggest supporter. Though the romantic side of the relationship may have come to an end, the friendship between the pair lives on. Though I am sad the infamous duo are no longer together, I commend Shawn for releasing such a beautiful song to provide closure to something so personal. Overall this song will receive a rating of 8/10. I am and will always be one of Shawn’s biggest fans.

-XOXO Rachel


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